Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweeter One - Pavilion Kuala Lumpur At Bukit Bintang With Video

In movies, sequels rarely match up to the original, but I am hoping that my follow up to my original video of my sweet Pauline doing her shopping adventures will be even better.

We had the chance to be in Kuala Lumpur over the past weekend for a friend's wedding, and we certainly did not want to miss the opportunity to shop and shoot at the same time.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bishan Toast Box At Junction 8 With Video

Living in Bishan, Pauline and myself have a tendency to walk to Junction 8 shopping mall for our weekend breakfast meals, and we would regularly end up eating toast and eggs with our coffee and tea.

Up until recently, Toast Box had been operating in one corner of Junction 8, but just a month or so back, they have occupied a new 2 storey building just next to the MRT train station.

Prosperous Lim (Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen) 福林豆腐园 At Siglap East Coast Road With Video

I have never had a specific fondness for niang tou fu all my life, but when my friend Liong Hai brought me to this Siglap outlet one lunchtime, I was immediately hooked.

Prosperous Lim, or Fu Lin Tou Fu Yuen 福林豆腐园 has a rather unique style of making this classic hawker fare. And they use a very gorgeous minced meat sauce.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The End Of Char Kway Teow

I recently had the opportunity to obtain a copy of Leslie Tay's new book, The End of Char Kway Teow and had him personally autographed it.

This is a very fascinating read as many of you would know, the book is an encapsulation of his popular blog, ieatishootipost.

Fragrant Pavillion Tea Hut 满庭香 With Video - Classic Taiwan Bubble Tea, Snacks And Delicacies

Back in the early 90's, there was this huge craze and following for Taiwan bubble tea. And this was long before bubble tea became so commercialised as it is now.

During that time, there were a number of dedicated bubble tea huts catering to the teenager masses who would flock to such places to relax and chat for hours on end.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kovan Ri Yi Beef Noodles With Video

After my post on Hock Lam Beef Kway Teow, there were a number of readers who singled out to me that there were far better beef noodles around our island.

My attention was thus brought to this very inconspicuous stall tucked away in one corner in the heart of Kovan and Hougang, in a coffeeshop that was rather quiet for that afternoon.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Uncle Kun Delicacies (Gen Shu Mei Shi Shi Jia 根叔美食世家) With Video

I had heard so much about Uncle Kun for sometime now, and when Bobcat asked me along one weekend afternoon to visit his stall, I simply could not refuse.

Armed with winekaki as my sidekick for that day, we visited Uncle Kun's vibrant stall in Toa Payoh Vista Market and from the onset, there was a visible long queue waiting to lap up his delicacies.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wild Honey In Mandarin Gallery

Wild Honey was always one of those places that drew our curiosity, simply because every time we pass by it, there is always a long queue.

Pauline wanted to try this place out and eventually, we went on a Friday and was asked to wait for at least half an hour for a table.